Integrative Therapy

Combining principles of psychotherapy, nutrition therapy, and yoga therapy to find wholistic wellness

Ventura • Online

Helping you navigate dissatisfaction in your life so you can feel content and connected

You’ve struggled to feel comfortable and satisfied in your body, your life, and your relationships. The incessant dissatisfaction has left you feeling disconnected and lonely - even in the presence of others. Through integration of your body, mind and spirit we develop reconnection and acceptance with who you really are. From this space you begin to treat yourself as deserving of love and connection, ultimately finding these qualities in your life.


Hello, I’m Kira.

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist, registered dietitian nutritionist, certified yoga therapist and ayurvedic health counselor and I specialize in working with adult individuals. Through integrative therapy, I’ll help you find contentment in your life, your body, and in your relationships.

Integrative therapy is the process of becoming whole and integrating all parts of the self including those that have been exiled. I use principles of yoga and mindfulness to help you with nervous system regulation. My nutrition and ayurvedic knowledge is called on for optimal digestion and energy. Psychotherapy allows us to compassionately access your forgotten or ignored parts and develop a harmonious relationship with yourself and with your life.


How It Works…

Step 1:

Book an intro call so we may get to know each other.

Step 2:

Schedule an initial appointment where we can plan a course forward leading you to wholeness.

Step 3:

We’ll meet either weekly or biweekly for 50-60 minute sessions to address your most pressing needs.